суббота, 15 декабря 2007 г.

Official Google Blog: Encouraging people to contribute knowledge

The search giant has already started inviting people to write about the subject on which they are known to be an expert.
Writing about the project on the official Google blog, Udi Manber, one of the heads of engineering at the search firm, said it was all about sharing useful knowledge.
By indexing the web, Google strives to make information more easily accessible. However, wrote Mr Manber, not all the information on the web was "well organised to make it easily discoverable".
By getting respected authors to write about their specialism Google hopes to start putting some of that information in better order.
The system will centre around authored articles created with a tool Google has dubbed "knol" - the word denotes a unit of knowledge - that will make webpages with a distinctive livery to identify them as authoritative. For more details follow the link Official Google Blog: Encouraging people to contribute knowledge
Google официально заявил о создании своей базе знаний Knol. Как написано на google blog - "The web contains an enormous amount of information, and Google has helped to make that information more easily accessible by providing pretty good search facilities. But not everything is written nor is everything well organized to make it easily discoverable. There are millions of people who possess useful knowledge that they would love to share, and there are billions of people who can benefit from it. We believe that many do not share that knowledge today simply because it is not easy enough to do that".
Ну что, гугл опять затеял что-то грандиозное :) Посмотрим что из этого получится, вернее как быстро.
Подробности читаем тут
Official Google Blog: Encouraging people to contribute knowledge

2 комментария:

Sergey комментирует...

I want to have an invitation.
Reasons: Native Russian.
Interests: Digital Photography, LAN admistration (it's my job), SFiction

Анонимный комментирует...

Thanks seeking this discriminating article, it's very much famous blogs